Trauma, writing, sexuality, spirit - what's it all about?
Welcome to a new conversation about healing.
(Image by Andy Kehoe)
For several years, I wrote a blog at my therapy website that talked a lot about the type of somatic therapy I was practicing (Rubenfeld Synergy; I have since become a certified Somatic Therapist), along with topics concerning the arts, gender and sexuality, and writing itself. I also had a Patreon, where folks could support me and my creative endeavors, and I would write about my fiction writing process and occasionally post excerpts of what I was working on.
In my ongoing quest for integration of various aspects of my life, I recognized that I could talk about all of it in one place. And so, at the start of 2022, I’m making this Substack newsletter that place.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be revising and reposting the best material from my old blog, writing new material from notes I’ve been taking since I started making my therapy practice my primary job, and exploring how my ongoing journey of working with the body, mind, emotions and spirit relates to my artistic expression and output. I’m thrilled to have you join me for it.
To start off, this newsletter will be completely free. Over time, I’ll be experimenting with ways to provide both free content and pieces available only to paying subscribers. For the moment, if you’re interested in supporting my efforts financially (as some of you have been), you can still subscribe to my Patreon, or simply Venmo me at @Kamela-Dolinova.
For now - welcome, and if you know anyone who would be interested in what I’m doing here, please pass the word along!