Hi folks. I’m working on the next big essay series for this space, on attachment and attachment repair, and what it means to heal your parental wounds in an adult intimate relationship. (Whew!)
Meanwhile, over at Patreon, I’ve started sharing some older material that I’ve been involved in. From here forward, I’m looking to cross-post everything. In short order, I may even migrate this Substack over to something like Beehiiv or Ghost. (Here’s a brief on why. Tl;dr, Substack platforms and monetizes Nazis.)
If you’re interested in supporting my work, whether it’s essays or fiction and other art-stuff, please consider joining my Patreon. You can even follow me there for free same as here, if you’re not ready to lay down any cash at present. If you are though, just remember — join at the website, not through the iOS app!
Here’s the (open to the public) post about a live radio show I did lo these many years ago, with a link to the full recording of same. Enjoy the sound of a live audience in the storied Somerville Theatre, circa 2010; the stylings of musicians from Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band; a wild original story based on the Siren myth by Alicia Goranson; and me as the titular Siren, doing a bunch of voices and even singing a little.